Tuesday, April 23, 2013



I am almost out of this pregnancy thing (which I have loved) but what a crappy time to feel this miserable. You never realize how awesome it is to swallow until it becomes your least favorite thing to do, ever. Ouch! (**Okay, reading back over this I sound like a total whimp. But I'm not. I've had both Strep throat and Uvulitis - so bad that the uvula was crazy inflamed and gagging me! Yeah. It's just weird that this is happening to me... I hardly ever get ill anymore.)

So I felt the throat start getting sore yesterday morning, thinking that it was from post nasal drip, sleeping on the couch, etc. Although it really may be caused from something like that, it is much much icky-er in the wee hours of this morning. Seriously, it woke me up (and I could tell that the first swallow was going to feel like sandpaper, so I refused to let my body try it until I had my hot lemon/lime honey water in hand).

Since medication really isn't an option because of de baby, and it's never my first option, here is what I have tried so far.

Yesterday: wasn't hurting too bad, so I had 2 cups of hot raspberry leaf tea, gargled hot salt water before bed.

Today: um, hello sore throat... And it's only 5am! So far, I have slowly sipped my way through a large cup of honey + lime water. Would have used lemon juice, but we honestly don't have any right now. Dumb. This helped TREMENDOUSLY though. While I was sipping on this, I was all over the Internet, looking at what people recommended during pregnancy. Below is what I am open to trying today to help get rid of this thing and/or keep it from getting any worse.

GARGLING (hot water):
more salt water
cayenne and honey water
boiled (and strained) basil leaves in water
apple cider vinegar water - really popular

DRINKING (hot water):
lemon and honey water
ginger, cinnamon and lemon water
turmeric powder and honey in warm milk

My "go to" magical throat healer for a LONG time has been Throat Coat tea. I love and swear by that stuff - it would fix anything from laryngitis, to a simple dry throat, to a painful one, and I used to drink it before almost every audition and performance. Unfortunately, it has an ingredient that is not baby friendly... So now I'm stuck with other natural remedies. If I'm missing something big that'll help me out, TELL ME. I'd appreciate it!

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