Wednesday, April 24, 2013

38 weeks!

Yesterday put us at 38 weeks officially. That is SO hard to believe! Other than this sore throat/congestion junk that is lingering, I feel pretty darn good! Our sweet baby is moving a lot, and I'm starting to feel some focused pressure nice and low.

We are so excited.

I want to say that we are "ready" to just get her here already, but honestly there are a few more things that I would love to get done before she makes her grand entrance. Let's just say that I would feel better if some organization happens in the next 24 hours. We haven't done anything to ease her out yet, besides me taking one primrose oil pill and drinking raspberry leaf tea daily. If I knock some things off my list here soon, I may just feel ready enough to start the acupressure points and other goodies. We will see.

We met with Anna again yesterday. Went well, and everything is still looking great! I loved having her explain all the newborn care that she will do until 28 days after the birth. Makes me happy to know that Norah will be here soon and will be looked after well! Also, I went ahead and did the GBS swab test (the ONLY test I've done since first trimester blood work... Pregnancy is not a disease!) because the % of women who carry it is high. Although this doesn't mean that Norah will catch it, and it would only be an issue if I had a fever during the birth (would be put on simple antibiotics), I went ahead and just did it. I'm more curious to see if I'm part of the % or not.

Only issue I've ran into recently is edema in my hands, only at night. My rings are officially off now, which I'm bummed about, but I'm staying crazy hydrated and doing ice water soaks whenever I notice them start to swell. Hopefully that was a one time thing and it won't happen tonight!

Here we are this week!

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