Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Shasta, Norah, and myself are here at the farm, and will be in WV later in the week. Johnny is at work. We miss him.

Here are some pictures of the latest:
(Naked baby alert!)

6 weeks and more

It has been a while, y'all. Norah is 6 weeks old and growing up so quickly! This stage of development is adorable... Just yesterday she "found" her tongue, so now it is an active part of every face that she makes. My favorite now is that she smiles and laughs on a daily basis, and coo's as I sing to her. It melts my heart.

Breastfeeding has been worlds better since my last post. I saw Sherry (lactation consultant and midwife), and it turns out that Norah has a "unique sucking pattern" which is making things difficult. We are working through it, only time will make a difference. I am using nipple shields now and they help a TON... The whole process is more efficient for us when I use them.

Norah has had a lot of exciting "firsts" recently, especially since she came with me and Shasta to the farm in VA (Daddy had to stay at work this week). We are still here at the farm, and will be in WV later in the week. It has been wonderful visiting family, having her meet everyone, and hanging out with my girls here at one of my favorite places on Earth. Little Norah Joyce experienced her first big girl swing ride (with me holding her), first time on a 4wheeler (as we drove from the house to the cottage), first time at a birthday party (Gonny's 80th- born on her bday), and first weenie roast last night. It has been really fun, although there has been some drama here and there... and I do miss Johnny dearly.

I am so thankful that the trip has been safe for all of us thus far. The drive up from Texas went great, Norah has been a trooper. Such a joyful Kid! People always say that Hypnobirth infants have this crazy calm demeanor... I didn't believe it before, but she definitely fits that category. I can't tell you how many comments from EVERYONE we have received about her ability to be chill in certain situations. She's my little HypnoBaby.

Oh, awesome news! Grandma and Grandpa Cluff have officially met their granddaughter! It was fun having them hold her for the first time, and now they are back in CA.

I have a TON of pictures to put up. The first round of vacation pics will need to be in the next post.
Here is 4-6 weeks:

Friday, June 7, 2013

4 weeks!

At almost a month old, Norah is getting so big! Some things we have noticed:
- Her legs are getting longer and longer
- She enjoys sucking on the knuckle of her pointer finger
- When you kiss her on the cheek, she smiles (this is a new thing!)
- Laughing out loud in her sleep is still happening
- She is sleeping through the night usually (although I often times wake her)
- She is definitely a side sleeper, so she side sleeps with me (continuing to mostly co-sleep)

Norah is one happy baby. She only gets fussy when she is hungry (but, don't we all?) ... It is such a joy to be her mom.

I talked to some breastfeeding experts yesterday, Sherry and a lady from our pediatrician's office. Can I just say that I LOVE Sherry Oldfield. She has been such an amazing nurse-midwife and now is my certified lactation consultant. Her ankle is still healing, but she and I are getting together today so we can tweak some nursing issues. YAY! Sherry was so helpful and encouraging on the phone. She says it all gets better from here. I am doing the right thing for Norah. If I am still exclusively breastfeeding, I'm doing so much better than MANY moms who quit because it's hard... And trust me, it IS hard. It may take 4-6 more weeks for Norah and I to mesh perfectly (and growth to happen), and after talking with her, I'm ok with that! Nursing will not kill me.

Sherry had an interesting point.
Some babies don't come out loving the boob. They think they want something, but it may not be exactly what they had in mind for some reason or another. So, your 7 year old would rather have McDonald's than broccoli all the time, do you take them to McDonald's? No! If eating means having broccoli time and time again, she will learn to LOVE broccoli. That's parenting... And that's what we are doing right now. If Norah wants to eat, we have 2 options, the boob or go hungry. No formula, no bottles. She will learn and everything will work out eventually. :)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wonderfully complex!

Our random update of the day.

One of my favorite 'comfort' chapters in the Bible is Psalm 139. As I was reading it to miss Norah, I thought it'd be fun to change up verses 13-16 and read it about her, instead of me... Like this:

You made all the delicate, inner parts of Norah's body and knit her together in my womb.
Thank you for making her so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous- how well I know it.
You watched her as she was being formed in utter seclusion, as she was woven together in the dark of the womb.
You saw her before she was born.
Every day of her life is recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

If that's not the biggest "thank you" birth and life prayer, I don't know what is! :) Honestly, seeing these truths applied to my daughter right in front of my eyes makes this part of the chapter hit home so much closer than reading it about me. Odd? Maybe.

Every day I pray for her soul. Like myself, I hope she will never remember a day without knowing and loving Jesus as her Savior, and allowing Him to transform her, and that she is led to do beautiful work for the Kingdom throughout her lifetime.

LOVE the end of 139:
"Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life." (It's time to get uncomfy when you request God to reveal this! What a beautiful thing.)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Birth TV Series

First off, if you haven't seen the movie The Business Of Being Born, you have got to see it. Free on Netflix.

They made a mini series about the same thing (but so much more in depth!) called More Business Of Being Born. Also free on Netflix. I watched 3 of the 4 episodes today, it is amazing. I actually learned SO much about birth. Totally awesome. You have to watch these episodes if you plan on having children. Yes.

Video of Norah's Birth

I finished editing it - and we finally have internet again, so I uploaded it this morning.

~~~ Please be aware that this is an edited video of real natural labor and childbirth (you actually can't see stuff from the clips in the video). If you are weird about birth, breastfeeding, boobs, babies, or similar things, please don't watch it. However, if you would like to see the most beautiful moment of our lives, and see what a calm, natural, home birth looks like... we'd love to share it with you!

Here it is on youtube (make sure and watch it on the highest quality for better viewing): 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Week 3

I love our daughter. As frustrating as being a new mom is (and not knowing what the heck to do at times), I really do mostly love the process. :)

She is 3 weeks old as of 2 days ago. We are slowly sneaking up on her 1 month birthday, SO CRAZY! I am just thankful that we are all alive and hanging in there, and when things get tough I try and remember that she will quickly grow up... And I'll want this back. I'll want the LATE (or non-existent) nights, the tiny child screaming bloody murder for no apparent reason, the diapers, and probably even the breastfeeding back. Why?! Because of her sweet coo's, ooh's, and ah's, her preciousness when she first wakes up, THOSE EYES, her super long toes that I am completely addicted to, the way she ALWAYS has a hand on her face, and because of a thousand other reasons why she is totally amazing. I love her. She makes me ball my eyes out with joy when I stare at her for too long. She also makes me ball my eyes out with frustration when I just can't take it anymore (at which point I stare at her and the balling continues... Lol!)

I am honestly pretty emotional, for many many reasons. I don't think I am experiencing postpartum depression, but I do know that I haven't been outside enough, and breastfeeding challenges make me feel like a sucky mom at times. Hmph. Life is very different with miss Norah! It is messy and incredible. It's my new normal... and as hard as it is, I absolutely wouldn't have it any other way. :)