Wednesday, February 27, 2013

30 weeks is here

And I just can't believe it! The What To Expect countdown app on my phone says that there is 9 weeks + 6 days left until our kid's due date. :)

I have felt a LOT of movement this past week. Lots of long, hard jabs. Not as much huge rolls like in the videos I posted. I think she may be slowly running out of room in there! Before this week, I have only felt kicks on the left side of my tummy, but now I'm feeling them on both sides throughout the day.. Not sure what that means. It actually took me by surprise when she started kicking on the right, because I had NEVER felt that before! Crazy.

I am still working full-time (which means 1 or 2 outcall massages everyday, and teaching yoga about 3 times a week). I don't feel overworked, I enjoy it, and the money helps, so I'm just going to keep at it until I feel like I need to stop. We'll see! OH... Something heart breaking happened this past weekend to our fantastic midwife... She broke her ankle (tibia and fibula)!! Lots of prayers sent her way for a speedy recovery and that she can deliver babies very soon after surgery. We feel SO bad for her... That must be awful - can't imagine being that immobile with all these babies and mamas to tend to.

At 30 weeks, I weigh 173.4 pounds. No stretch marks on tummy (still only on chest). I am ALWAYS hungry. Norah is moving around a whole bunch. I am looking forward to Kristin coming in town this weekend and for my birthday!! Also, I'm excited to put up the huge wall decal that arrived for our Nursery Nook. That's happening in just a few days. Pictures will come, definitely.

Here is the bump now:

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

29 weeks.

What. Only 11 more weeks to go until the due date!? Goodness gracious, that's not that much time. I AM SO EXCITED. and nervous. and anxious. and scared... and all those feelings that everyone is telling me will only increase until she arrives. Most of all, I am really looking forward to being a mom (and meeting this wiggly baby)! 

How far along: 29 weeks! 

Weight: 173 pounds. Pre-pregnancy weight was 153ish.

Size of Baby: Butternut Squash (17 in, 3.1 lbs)

Midwife Appt: We will meet every two weeks now, instead of once a month. Next one is in about a week. 

Stretch marks: Nothing new. No marks on belly, and no new marks anywhere else.

Sleep: Lovin' my naps! 

Food cravings: Haven't had any cravings recently.

Symptoms: I honestly don't know what to put here. I just sorta stared at the screen for a while, because I feel great still. I am just still happy and healthy from what we can tell - and that's good enough for me! I'm not experiencing the pelvic pain anymore (woohoo!). Now, I'm fighting with the occasional left hip pain/burning sensation in the middle of the night (only when I'm on my left side). Luckily, I have a massage therapy ball (sorta like a foam roller) that totally takes care of that when it starts acting up, and I try and work it out before I lay in bed now.

Movement: Lots of hiccups. :)

Belly button in or out?: It's kinda flat now most of the time, but sometimes I can see it poke through tighter shirts. 

Best moment of the week: Finalizing what is going on our nursery wall (which is in our bedroom). I LOVE IT SO MUCH. We decided on a vinyl wall decal thing instead of painting. It is beyond adorable... being shipped now! Can't wait to put it up on my birthday weekend (with a little help from loved ones). Also, we got confirmation that the Hypnobirthing course will start on March 20th - we still need to officially register, but everything is working out great with that. 

I thought that I should start including front and side shots now, considering I'm growing pretty quickly these days. :) I may want these at some point in the future.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Love Day

[This post is a few days late, but I had to put valentine's day on here.]

I am so blessed to have my one and only valentine love me the way that he does. He cooks for me every year on Valentine's Day (even when we were dating!) ... and it is ALWAYS AMAZING. I woke up on Thursday to my sweet husband going to town in the kitchen, and I wasn't allowed to enter. :) So instead, I showered and took my good ole sweet time getting ready for the day, which was awesome. He delivered a dozen red roses to me while I was getting ready. SO BEAUTIFUL... and they still look gorgeous on our tv stand right now, I'm looking at them. <3 For breakfast, J made us the most amazing meal ever: greek yogurt parfait (with oats and fresh fruit), spinach egg and sausage deliciousness on english muffins - OH MY GOSH, MY TASTE BUDS WERE SCREAMING, and the tastiest fruit salad ever (complete with kiwi, strawberries, grapes, pomegranate seeds, raspberries, pineapple, poppy seeds and a hint of lime juice with honey). We had orange juice to top it off. He knows me too well - (mostly!) healthy, balanced breakfast that tasted out of this world. It was a perfect morning. :) We took it easy for the rest of the day, and then I taught a heart opening yoga class in the evening. 

Later on, we had cheese, crackers and sparkling cider. MMM.

...and just because I need to put this picture up somewhere, here is us at the dog park yesterday. It was a super windy day! Please ignore how disgusting Shasta looks in the top picture. She was foaming at the mouth the ENTIRE time. Wayyyy too much excitement over her frisbee toy.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Rolie Polie

Someone is awake!... Which woke someone else up. :) guess who? Norah is seriously little miss crazy right now at 5am. When I lay on my left side, which I try to do all the time, she digs her heel SO HARD into the mattress on the left. Plus, she also has the hiccups right now. So adorable. I've been feeling her hiccups since week 27ish, and they don't last long, but J has been able to feel them on two separate occasions. Last night was one of those times. I love her hiccups! I always feel them in the same spot, reeeeally low, and they are quick and rhythmic. J actually told me that he feels a little bad for her when she does have them (I mean it's not like she can gargle icy salt water or anything to get rid of them).

Apparently, at this stage of fetal development, Norah CAN DREAM. That blows my mind. What do those look like?!

(Ok, I originally posted this one without the following link... honestly, I was singing this song in my head the ENTIRE time throughout this post, so I couldn't help but put it up. Enjoy the opening song! :P

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pregnancy Brain?!

... or just dumb?? Either way, I have made some seriously bizarre mistakes in the past 2 days. Yesterday, I was going through the drive thru of Boston Market before grabbing some food for the animals at the pet store. All I wanted was half of a turkey carver sandwich on multigrain bread and a large cup of ice water to go. Not a big deal, you'd think! Ordering was a NIGHTMARE though. The lady was SO RUDE and horrible! It was seriously horrific. I had just gotten out of yoga, so I was calm and relaxed and happy... and she just about ruined my mood completely! I won't get into all of the details, but she asked me twice what I wanted to order, and then if I wanted sides and a soda, and then if I wanted a cookie 3 TIMES! What in the world. I didn't even say anything the third time she talked about the cookie, it was pretty awkward. She actually said "Mmm the cookies are so tasty!" - I mean what am I supposed to say to that? I was so clear about what I wanted to order. So I drive around to pay and grab my food, honestly a little inwardly irritated at this (obnoxious!) lady, but I was trying to not let it show as I talked to her face to face. I paid cash, she got upset that I didn't give her a handful of pennies with it (to make the change even). My goodness. At this point I was just ready to get on with my day... it was rough sitting there in my thoughts! A different lady brought me my sandwich, and then just as I was about to drive away, I realized that I needed my large ice water! I asked her for it, she handed it to me, I overhear girl #1 making a big commotion about how I already got my cup of water, but I smile (just relieved to finally be leaving), and drive away. 5 seconds later, I look in my cupholder, and THERE ARE TWO WATERS. I immediately feel so embarrassed! I must have been so focused on containing myself about the customer service I was receiving that I TOTALLY missed her handing me my first water. Pretty stupid.

Today, I needed to return some candles at Tom Thumb after an outcall massage appointment. It was going to be a quick errand.. run in, run out. So as I walk back to my car (which was in the CLOSEST parking space I could have possibly parked in... front and center!) I realized to my horror that my keys were not in my purse. I looked through it at least 5 times, which is a little overboard since my keys are HUGE, on a pink lanyard, and are hard to miss. I look in my car - BAM, between my seats. How dumb can I get?! This had never happened to me before. Keys do no good whatsoever when they get locked INSIDE of the car. I talked to my husband and dad briefly on the phone about my options, and decided to call the fire department to see if they could help me out. A few minutes later, the FIRE TRUCK rolls up in front of busy Tom Thumb, and a bunch of firemen/EMTs/police looking guys roll out and start asking me a million questions and prying my car door open. Of course people are looking at what the heck is going on... oh and it gets even BETTER when my car alarm turns on. Thanks, car. Everything did work out and the fire department saved me, at no cost which is great.

Crazy brain these past couple of days. Eek!

Saturday, February 9, 2013


I just finalized our Hypnobirthing Classes with a great provider in the Grapevine area. Saved $50, too! SO excited, I can't even contain myself! I really can't wait to start these classes... Unfortunately they are once a week for 5 weeks starting March 18, so I'm going to have to wait a wee little bit.

Here's what we get with our course...
HypnoBirthing®  Classes Include:
   Your own copy of the 302-page HypnoBirthing®  Text, HypnoBirthing® -- The Mongan Method
   5 information-packed class meetings, helping you to understand why labor doesn't have to hurt
   5 professionally written scripts for your home practice
   2 CDs for your relaxation, stress reduction, and bonding (Including the program cornerstone disk, Rainbow Relaxation)
   Handouts for planning your Birth Preferences
   A set of Birth Prompts for your birth Companion
   Demonstration and practice in optimal birth positions
   Several deep relaxation techniques for use during birthing
   Well-paced instruction designed to build your confidence and help you to have a safer, easier, and more comfortable birthing
   Special calm breathing methods for use throughout labor and during birthing
   The advantage and confidence of the Mongan Method reputation for top-quality birthing preparation.    

It will be so worth it. I think I've been looking forward to these classes the MOST out of everything in this pregnancy so far. Maternity jeans and dreaming of the nursery are great, but THIS is where it's at for me. :) gah!

Here is the cutest video in the world about one couple's hypnobirthing experience:

And here is Part 1 (make sure and watch part 2) of hypnobirthing from the views of a doctor:

Friday, February 8, 2013


So THIS is insomnia! It's 4:00am, and I have been no where close to dreamland in a couple of hours. Woke up at 2ish and have been so restless since! Norah isn't helping the situation much, either. ;) She is pretty distracting (which is the best issue to have). I love my sleep though... Maybe this is God gently changing my relationship to it in preparation for being a mommy soon? ...I even skipped my daily napping ritual today, you'd think I'd be MORE tired than usual. Well, here's to hopefully getting some sleep soon. I'm getting off my phone now and going to give myself a scalp massage with lavender aromatherapy or something! Warm lemon water sounds nice, too. :) Wish me luck.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

27 week update & CDing

Good morning world! I've got a sleepy husband, sleepy pets, and one active baby so far today! Several pregnancy 'experts' say that by this time, our babes are figuring out their schedules for active and not-so-active times of the day... I'm starting to pay attention to not only IF and HOW she's moving about, but now WHEN, too. I'm curious to see what I learn in the next few weeks. :)

I came across a blog about cloth diapering in today's era- and I love it! I know many friends have been interested (or maybe more realistically confused!) at why we really want to cloth diaper. Honestly, I can't imagine doing anything else diaper-wise with our kids! It's more than finances, the environment, and health for me, although those are all great reasons for trying it, too. Here's some great information on it... really everything you need to get started: 

I've decided to mainly use bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Pockets, Alvababy diapers, and Kawaii diapers (after SOOOO many hours and hours of research!) just because the reviews are insane, price is lower, and they seem like the most logical choice for ease of use. I am open to trying others as well. I know Cloth Diaperers have their favorites in bulk, and then the rest of their stash is misc diapers from all over. I'm down with collecting others... I've been trying to win assorted bundles for a while now, no luck! 

I'm a day late on my update... sorry y'all. Just didn't happen yesterday. 

How far along: 27 weeks! 

Weight: 169 pounds still. Pre-pregnancy weight was 153ish.

Size of Baby: Head of cauliflower (15 in, 2 lbs)

Midwife Appt: We have one coming up on Sunday. Looking forward to it! 

Maternity Clothes: YES. Well I'm living off of 2 pairs of maternity jeans (with the band) and yoga clothes, no surprise there. I did need to buy a few more yoga/workout shirts that have some room for my belly but don't look huge, and I don't want to spend the extra money and buy expensive "maternity" shirts. What I got is working great... and they are cute. Bonus! 

Stretch marks: Same as it has been for a while. Nothing new! 

Sleep: Still wanting to sleep on my back. GAH! It's getting to the point of being really annoying. I slept on the couch by accident a few nights ago, and was SO comfortable. I'm thinking it was because when I wanted to roll to my back, I literally couldn't. The couch was in the way. Maybe I need to just create The Great Wall Of Pillows in the middle of our bed against my back... I'm sure J will LOVE that.

Food cravings: Chick-fil-a, out of the middle of nowhere! All the time. Driving by everyday is basically killing me. I have a problem. And now all I'm thinking about is their chicken salad sandwich. :(

Gender: Um, still a girl I think! It's not like we've checked again or anything. Norah, if you are boy, we will have the funniest pregnancy story to tell... and we will obviously be changing your name.

Symptoms: Alright, here's a new lovely thing. I definitely have what they call SPD, or Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (I've diagnosed myself, but really it couldn't be anything else). I've never had pain in my bones like this before, just right where the symphysis pubis joint is. Just started noticing the pain when I rolled out of bed and placed my feet on the floor... when I try to stand with more weight on one foot than the other, it definitely tells me that there is movement in there. It's crazy! I think the problem is that Relaxin sometimes can cause ligaments and joints to relax too much too quickly in pregnancy. Result = bone to bone in some areas = pain. Good news is that yoga AT LEAST once every day is totally keeping this thing at a place where I don't notice it! I hear it click every now and then (ouchies) when I roll over or get out of my car, but I'd be a grumpy bear if I didn't have the tools to ease these aches, me thinks. :) Sciatic pain from before is long gone.

Movement: She's a wiggler! Feeling lots of pressure on my bladder more than usual these days, maybe that means she moved into a different position? I have NO idea how she is oriented in there. Would love to know! 

Belly button in or out?: Top half is out, bottom half is in. Weird.

Best moment of the week: Caught the hubby rubbing my belly and 'spending time' with Norah while I was taking a nap after the Super Bowl. I half remember it in my sleepy state! :) SO SWEET! 

Belly at 27 weeks, 1 day. She was jabbing my hand as I took this picture.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Our Birth Plan!

These are things we are hoping will happen for the birth of our daughter. If it’s appropriate, and you can help these things play out, it would mean the world to us.

Name: Dana Cluff
Husband’s name: John Cluff
Baby Norah’s due date: May 7, 2013
Midwife’s name: Sherry Oldfield

My delivery is planned as:

~ Natural Home Birth, perhaps water birth

My Birth Team - I request the following people to be present during labor and delivery:
    • John Cluff
    • Kim Carr
    • Sherry / Assistant

As long as the baby and I are healthy, I would like to have no time restrictions on the length of my pregnancy. If I go past my due date and the baby and I are fine, I prefer to go into labor naturally rather than be induced. If induction becomes medically necessary, I would like to try natural induction techniques first (with the guidance of my midwife), such as:
~ Nipple stimulation 
~ Walking 
~ Herbs 
~ Castor oil  
~ Acupuncture 
~ Sexual intercourse

During labor, I’d like:
~ Music (and Hypnobirthing tracks) played
~ The lights dimmed
~ The room as quiet as possible
~ As few interruptions as possible
~ As few vaginal exams as possible
 ~ To wear my own clothes
~ My partner to film and take pictures
~ My partner to be present the entire time
~ To eat and drink as I please
I’d like to spend the first stage of labor:
~ Standing up
~ Walking around
~ In the shower
~ In the bathtub
I'd like fetal monitoring to be:
~ Performed only by Doppler
For pain relief, I’d like to use:
~ Acupressure
~ Breathing techniques
~ Cryotherapy (cold)
~ Distraction techniques
~ Thermotherapy (heat)
~ Hypnotherapy
~ Massage
~ Meditation
During delivery, I would like to try these positions:
~ Squat
~ Lie on my side
~ Be on my hands and knees
~ Stand
~ Lean on my partner
~ Use people for leg support
~ Use a birthing ball
~ Be in the bath tub
~ Be in the shower
As the baby is delivered, I would like to:
~ Visualize “breathing the baby down”, and be encouraged to go slowly
~ Use a mirror to see the baby crown
~ Touch the head as it crowns
~ Not have an episiotomy (and risk a tear)
~ Place the baby on my chest as soon as possible
Immediately after delivery, I would like:
~ To deliver the placenta spontaneously and without assistance, leaving it attached to the baby as long as possible (at least 20 minutes after birth)
~ The umbilical cord to be clamped only when we are ready to separate the placenta
If a C-section is necessary, I would like:
~ To make sure it is a true emergency
~ To make sure all other options have been exhausted
~ To stay conscious
~ My partner to remain with me the entire time
~ The placenta to REMAIN attached to the baby for AS LONG as possible, and for the cord to not be cut until we are ready to do so!
~ The screen lowered so I can watch baby and the placenta come out
~ My hands left free so I can touch the baby
~ My partner to hold the baby as soon as possible
~ To breastfeed in the recovery room
I would like to hold baby:
~ Immediately after delivery
I would like to breastfeed:
~ As soon as possible after delivery

We’d like our family members:
~ To join us and baby in our room later (perhaps after baby is measured and weighed), and for the atmosphere to stay as quiet as possible during this time
I’d like baby’s medical exam and procedures:
~ Given in my presence
~ Given only after we’ve bonded
~ Given in my partner’s presence
Don’t give baby:
~ Vitamin K
~ Antibiotic eye treatment
~ Sugar water
~ Formula
~ A pacifier
I’d like baby’s first bath given:
~ By me and my partner
I’d like to feed baby:
~ Only with my breastmilk
~ On my baby’s schedule
~ With the help of a lactation specialist (Sherry)
I’d like baby to stay in my room:
~ All the time
If in the hospital, I’d like my partner:
~ To have unlimited visiting
~ To sleep in my room
After birth, I’d like to stay in the hospital:
~ As briefly as possible
If baby is not well, I’d like:
~ My partner and I to accompany it to the NICU or another facility
~ To ONLY breastfeed or provide pumped breastmilk
~ To hold baby whenever possible, for us to give baby neonatal massages, and kangaroo care (skin to skin contact)

27 weeks!

This lady's a little cooky, but it's overall a decent video about what's coming up here at week 27! Can't believe how quickly the time is flying by. We've got a lot to do before we sneak up on our due date! Yeah. I'll put up this week's updates tomorrow morning... weight, photo, and all. :)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Bad dream!

Wow, some seriously psycho dreams last night! Just so I can get it out of this head I'll sum them up for ya. SOMEHOW my baby (now a boy) "fell" out of my uterus and into my dog's stomach- but shasta didn't eat him, it just happened. Everyone was confused and I was a freaking mess!! At this point in my dream i was both Shasta and myself, which... well yeah. It's a dream. We took her to her vet and told them that our baby was stuck in there. And probably because I watched that video from the previous post about lotus births, I made sure that everyone at the clinic knew that they were to NOT CUT THE CORD!! "it increases his chances of making it by a lot!"... They didn't understand that concept, but said they'd deliver the placenta at the same time and leave the cord for us to milk. They put her immediately into surgery to get a c-section, and after trying to stimulate the placenta and everything.. It must not have been successful. I woke up a couple of times in a panic... Actually cried a little. Ack!! So horrible! On a positive note: Norah did not fall out of me, God is faithful, and it's a brand new day!