Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!

He is RISEN!

... (He is risen indeed!) ...

And I am a saved soul because of THIS wonderful event. Christ, the God of the universe and beyond, thought of me personally when he was murdered. He died in MY PLACE. And then conquered death to take His seat on the throne, where He intercedes on my behalf until He comes and gets me... or I go home... Whichever comes first. I need no preacher, prophet, bishop, pope, pastor, saint, or other person to get to Him for me. Likewise, I know that there is NO deed or work I can do (or not do) that will alter my relationship with Him in any way - positively or negatively. It's this simple y'all: I know His identity, I accept His free gift of salvation to all who believe, and I trust in His leadership over my being. He has hand plucked me out of the gates of hell, and I will never feel or think or act or be the same. Forever praise His name!

"Living, He loved me
Dying, He saved me
Buried, He carried my sin far away
Rising, He justified, freely forever
One day He's coming -
Oh Glorious Day! Oh Glorious Day!"

Friday, March 29, 2013

He's ready

For fun, we practiced all 4 types of cloth diapers today (and several folds for the prefold),

see our diaper stash video here:

and he is a master of the braid. Daddy is ready, Norah. ;)

Patio Camping

So real camping... You know, where everything you own smells like smoke for days, the tent is staked down into the earth, you would do anything at 3am to relocate the pebble under the tarp that you missed while setting up, knowing that there are 200 spiders within 15 feet of you and being totally ok with that... Well that is the best. Seriously, I LOVE CAMPING. Having a camping-like experience on our petite apartment patio is second best though. :)

I love the view from our patio. 3rd floor, watching planes land, looking over neighborhoods and the water runoff where all the turtles live, bliss. So this is what I woke up to this morning:

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

34 weeks!

Still cannot believe how fast the time is going by. Wowza.

I feel great and everything seems to still be going smoothly! We have started our Hypnobirthing class (2 of 5 sessions complete!) and we totally LOVE IT. Seriously amazing! If you are thinking about doing it for your bonding/birth experience, don't hesitate. Jump on it! We have nightly homework that I always look forward to doing as well as CDs to relax and visualize to, they are such lovely exercises. It is CRAZY to think that in 3-6 weeks, our full term baby could be in our arms.
"Do not listen to this disc while in a moving vehicle."
THAT'S THE TRUTH! So relaxing...

How far along: 34 weeks

Weight: 178, I actually lost 2 pounds since last week. Yay for eating healthier!

Symptoms: I still feel so great. I'm continuing to get "practice tightening" AKA Braxton-Hicks contractions (Hypnobirthing teaches us to use different words than the common ones that put any sort of a negative thought in our heads, so you'll probably start to notice my odd choice of words...) which sneak up on me sometimes. I know it's my body's way of preparing for welcoming Norah to the world, so they are important! No nausea, dizziness, headaches, leg cramps, (new) stretch marks, leaking, line on my belly (linea nigra) or anything else worth reporting about. [If you are weird about pregnancy related things or find natural baby-creating processes gross, #1. WHY are you reading this blog right now? and #2. You may want to skip this next part. Just because I haven't put this on the blog yet, I'll document it now: I've lost parts of the uterine seal (mucus plug) 3 times in this pregnancy so far, which apparently is pretty normal. It regenerates to help keep germies out and baby in! It happened at 25 weeks, 30 weeks, and 33 weeks. Super clear, not tinged with blood or colored pink at all, and seriously is just like raw egg whites. I took a picture of it the last time, but I'll spare y'all. You are welcome.]

Sleep: Never fails, I wake up between 4-4:30am EVERY morning. It's 4:40 right now, and I thought I'd do something quiet but productive as I lay here in bed. J just asked for "some water" clear as day in his sleep. Maybe I should go get him some... but that means I'd have to wake up the beast. :/ Yikes! Shall I wait a few more hours?? (Love you, honey!)

Work: I'm still teaching yoga classes a few times a week and doing in-home massage appointments, although I am officially taking "Maternity Leave" from outcall massages on April 1. I'll be almost 35 weeks pregnant then, and I feel like I've stretched myself about as far as I'm comfortable going - considering I carry a trillion things to each session and have to maneuver my table in and out of the car/people's houses. I LOVE what I do, but just feel like it's time. Yoga is beyond awesome still. Hopefully I'll teach until I pop... and then again soon after!

New baby items: We picked up the Bobby pillow, crib/pack n play sheets, and some other cute essentials with Target gift money (yay!) and I'm so excited to use them. Also, we have OUR ENTIRE DIAPER STASH now, since AlvaBabys arrived on Monday. We got newborn-sized pockets that velcro and 8-35lb pockets with snaps that are minky on the outside... so fuzzy! These ended up being about $3 or $4 per pocket diaper. If you want to go cloth, there is no excuse y'all! You can do it affordably... these shipped straight from the warehouse in China for free and took 6 days to get here. They are amazing quality for the price. Reviews are right!

And here is the bump - I know she's bigger, but I SWEAR... to me the bump looks just as big as it was at 29 or 30 weeks. Seriously, go look at pictures. My poor body is so confused at what is going on.

"Can't. Stretch. Any. More. What is happening!?" -Skin/Muscles

"well, you better make more room cuz im runnin out of it!" -Norah

You tell 'em, Norah.

Friday, March 22, 2013


Um, I LOVE this video. Found it by accident on the youtube. :)

A ton of reasons why a real Dad loves cloth diapering his kids:

Here is our fluffy stash so far. The picture shows BumGenius pockets and Kawaii heavy wetter pockets (all fit 8-35lbs), Kissaluv fitted newborn diaper (I MUST get more of these!), a billion extra microfiber inserts, some newborn Prefolds that are still being prepped, 5 Thirsties covers that will be paired with the prefolds, and 2 Snappies for added diaper security (these take the place of diaper pins when using Prefolds and the like). We also have our super yummy Rockin Green diaper detergent, 30 cloth wipes, and I have about 16 AlvaBabys on their way, should be here next week... Then we will have a lovely and loaded stash! Not shown that we already own: 12 Osocozy Indian Cotton Prefolds in the newborn size.

I love what we have so far. Can't wait to get more fluffy mail next week! We have spent under $200 for our entire stash. Some diapers have been gifts, which we are so grateful for! All shipping has been free.

Monday, March 18, 2013


But not. I've been awake for 4 hours! And it's 7:30am. This phase is definitely not like me... But again I think that this lack of nighttime sleep is helping to gently prepare me for what's to come.

Here is what I've done this morning so far, in chronological order:

1. Pee
2. Drink water
3. 5 minutes of yoga
4. Lay in bed
5. Answer an email from AlvaBaby diapers (they are located in china, so the best time to get a reply seems to be in the middle of the night... But really great customer service!)
6. Fuel my fluff addiction by reading diaper reviews- probably my new favorite thing to do in these past few months (I have them ALL ordered: Kawaii, AlvaBaby, BumGenius, Osocozy indian prefolds, and a Kissaluv!!! Our entire stash cost us UNDER $200. That's 30+ diapers, majority being 8-35lb one-size pockets. Yeah, pretty unbelievable!)
7. Pee
8. Drink water
9. Eat an orange
10. Eat a cookie
11. Feel guilty about the cookie, so took my prenatal vitamin early, like that would help somehow
12. Drink more water (seriously parched this morning!)
13. Lay in bed and listen to Norah with our AngelSounds monitor. Still finding the heartbeat really low... Same with hiccups. I hope that's a good sign!
14. Pee, yes I know. She was smashing my bladder!
15. Update you people as I lay here in bed (again!) and watch the sun come up. It's going to be a great day! :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

32 weeks!

As I type this, I am laying in bed. It is 4:10am. Woke up and thought I'd be productive since I didn't finish this post yesterday. John is whispering/laughing and moving in his sleep, which is almost freaking me out. :P

We met with Traci, Sherry's assistant who we've gotten to meet a couple of times, this past weekend. Everything is still looking good. :)

Weight: 176.2 pounds. I am gaining A LOT... But don't look or feel any larger. It's a weird concept. I am beyond frightened to get above 180... I feel like I'd never come out of that. Lord help me.

Stretch marks: Still none on tummy! I am expecting them any day now.. I wonder how long it'll be before they show up there?!

Symptoms: Pelvic pain comes and goes. It feels deeper than before, but more dull. Eh.

New things: Hypnobirthing class got cancelled. I am über bummed about it. Melissa, the teacher, said there just wasn't enough of us to make the class stick... SOOOO we will probably do a private 5 week course in the apartment, which I have heard is crazy awesome. Why not learn/practice where you will birth? Makes sense to me. I hope it works out.

Also, Sherry got her surgery a week ago. Is healing up great so far. Praise God!

ALSO, sweet Halleigh Jane Carr (my cousin Jordan's baby), was welcomed into the world on Monday. She is beautiful. Congratulations Jordan and Curstyn!!!

Goals: Traci says that once I hit 37 weeks we are good for home birth without any hospital intervention. Norah's lungs will at that point be all ready for the world. That's just a little over a month away... Crazy! Another goal is to have her before May 9th, which is 2 days after her actual due date, because my brother Kevin has to leave for a long-time work assignment on that day. I hope God just lets the puzzle pieces fall into place where we don't need to worry about having her outside those dates!

Here we are at 32 weeks:

Belly growth


Day 2 of dog testing before the baby arrives? She rocked it. Thank you Shasta for sleeping on your bed throughout these past few nights... Much more fun with us than in your kennel, right?

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Biiig stretch!

Every time I forget that I'm pregnant for a second, this happens.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Even more hiccups!

And they are big ones this evening. Too funny! Caught them on camera this time (I was laying on my side). Enjoy!

Baby Laundry

I'm starting to prep everything we have so far, so I just put in the first load (about half) of our baby laundry. Oh my word... My heart has melted. Look at the size of those teeny newborn socks! Baby clothes are the best. I know that washing and drying them will get old wayyy too quickly, but as of now, I am in love.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

31 weeks

How far along: 31 weeks!

Weight: 175 pounds. Pre-pregnancy weight was 153ish.

Size of Baby: Head of Lettuce (19 in, 3.9 lbs)

Midwife Appt: We still need to schedule one with our midwife's assistant, Traci, because Sherry is getting surgery this morning. Hope everything goes well and she recovers quickly!

Stretch marks: Found a new line or two on my chest (like I need any more there!)... No marks on belly, and no new marks anywhere else.

Sleep: Sleep has definitely been interesting. Shasta has been having some tummy troubles, which means some serious bathroom issues. Yuck. When I'm not cleaning up messes, I am up worrying that she's going to need to go again... Every hour! God is definitely helping to prepare us for our little one through these horrendous few days, I know it. Dear friends have often told me to just prepare for no sleep during the next year. Bring it.

Food cravings: none

Symptoms: I got pretty dizzy during a massage session once this week, I think I just needed to eat though. Hmmm, a little heartburn here and there, and the pelvic pain returns sometimes (mostly when I roll in bed... And my pelvic joint pops. Weird!)

Movement: I love this kid's movement. :) there is something surreal about not looking THIS pregnant, but seeing and feeling a large, boney object stick out of your stomach and move around. It's crazy! (When did she grow to be so big?!) Yesterday, I found a really hard lump about 2 inches above my belly button. I realized it was small and hard, so I pushed on it... And then it moved up and to my left side!! Definitely think that was a foot.

Belly button in or out?: Top half sticks out.

Best moment of the week: THIS WEEKEND WAS AWESOME! Had the best 21st birthday anyone could ask for ... And on the same day got surprised with a crazy beautiful baby shower with a ton of friends and family. I honestly had no idea. :) so sweet. Norah is SO loved already. I will put details of this weekend on here as soon as I get a chance to. Also, we are almost finished putting the tree decals up on the Nursery Nook walls. It looks fantastic!!! Jenna and mom are coming to help finish the leaves and birds today. Can't wait. :)

Here's what we have done (thank you Kristin, Johnny, and mom for your huge help so far):

Friday, March 1, 2013

The pets

... they both have been super lazy today! I swear, Bailey acts more like a dog every day. I love them both like crazy. So much joy is brought to my life because of these goofy creatures.