Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!

He is RISEN!

... (He is risen indeed!) ...

And I am a saved soul because of THIS wonderful event. Christ, the God of the universe and beyond, thought of me personally when he was murdered. He died in MY PLACE. And then conquered death to take His seat on the throne, where He intercedes on my behalf until He comes and gets me... or I go home... Whichever comes first. I need no preacher, prophet, bishop, pope, pastor, saint, or other person to get to Him for me. Likewise, I know that there is NO deed or work I can do (or not do) that will alter my relationship with Him in any way - positively or negatively. It's this simple y'all: I know His identity, I accept His free gift of salvation to all who believe, and I trust in His leadership over my being. He has hand plucked me out of the gates of hell, and I will never feel or think or act or be the same. Forever praise His name!

"Living, He loved me
Dying, He saved me
Buried, He carried my sin far away
Rising, He justified, freely forever
One day He's coming -
Oh Glorious Day! Oh Glorious Day!"

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