Saturday, June 1, 2013

Week 3

I love our daughter. As frustrating as being a new mom is (and not knowing what the heck to do at times), I really do mostly love the process. :)

She is 3 weeks old as of 2 days ago. We are slowly sneaking up on her 1 month birthday, SO CRAZY! I am just thankful that we are all alive and hanging in there, and when things get tough I try and remember that she will quickly grow up... And I'll want this back. I'll want the LATE (or non-existent) nights, the tiny child screaming bloody murder for no apparent reason, the diapers, and probably even the breastfeeding back. Why?! Because of her sweet coo's, ooh's, and ah's, her preciousness when she first wakes up, THOSE EYES, her super long toes that I am completely addicted to, the way she ALWAYS has a hand on her face, and because of a thousand other reasons why she is totally amazing. I love her. She makes me ball my eyes out with joy when I stare at her for too long. She also makes me ball my eyes out with frustration when I just can't take it anymore (at which point I stare at her and the balling continues... Lol!)

I am honestly pretty emotional, for many many reasons. I don't think I am experiencing postpartum depression, but I do know that I haven't been outside enough, and breastfeeding challenges make me feel like a sucky mom at times. Hmph. Life is very different with miss Norah! It is messy and incredible. It's my new normal... and as hard as it is, I absolutely wouldn't have it any other way. :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the address to your blog. I had so many of your same emotions with Carolen! And, may I just say--things just keep getting better and better!
