Friday, August 9, 2013

Two steps forward

... One step back. But hey, we are MOVING FORWARD!!!!! Still having clicking/pain issues. BUT whatever. We nursed in the MobyWrap for the first time today, 3 times already (each a different way). :) WHY do people not do this more often?? MobyWrap friends-- you have got to try it. There are some tutorials for different holds on YouTube if you need em. It is SO easy and helpful. For Norah, she nurses much better IN the moby than out if it. Crazy girl loves to be worn. And it is not nearly as tiring as holding her. Right now even, I was nursing her as I type on my iPad and she unlatched and fell asleep, head still in the crook of my arm. I'm holding her entire body with just my inner elbow thanks to the moby. Goodness!

Believe it or not, I was able to nurse her like this as I took Shasta to go potty (down 3 stories and walking a pretty good distance with Shasta on the leash). Because of our background in breastfeeding {or so i believe}, Norah is a bit picky with positioning and moving around. She gets frustrated and refuses the breast easily. So, this was not possible before. I LOVE IT. The moby can do things that no other carrier can do. So much flexibility since there's no shape to it. 

II will be attending a latch-on/nurse-in event celebrating legal rights of breastfeeding babies tomorrow morning in Burleson. Unfortunately, 2 babies got denied the right to eat without restrictions AGAIN this week... One location, same day!!
 Copy and paste into your browser to view the whole story and the confrontation caught on tape:

 A rec center there said they were given permission from the city of Burleson to tell the women to cover or go to the bathroom, but frankly, that is not the state law. In Texas specifically, women have the right to feed their children in any place where the mother can legally be (private or public) and in any way (bottle, breast or SNS device). It is unlawful to harass the mother who is breaking no law, and it breaks my heart. 

Don't they know that breastfeeding babies literally get the woman's hormones through the milk-- and this is constantly changing due to mood? Nature designed it this way... God is amazing. If a mama of any kind feels threatened, she naturally stops releases oxytocin (the feel good hormone) into her breast milk. The Sympathetic Nervous System takes over (ya know, fight or flight) which causes a release of a powerful hormone cocktail, mostly of adrenaline, then the heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, and digestion will slow way down. How on EARTH could this be good for your growing baby?! Also, by insinuating that the women was in some way doing something wrong or gross, she feels embarrassed, and that's one more big reason to give up (especially if you are a new mom or struggle with breastfeeding). Shame on you, city of Burleson, for "giving permission" for these things. These are the main reasons why we will be going with the 300+ other mom, dads, and babies and offering our support for the rights of breastfeeding kiddos tomorrow. It shouldn't matter what or how you feed your child.

In other news, John's last day at Jos. A Bank was TODAY! All done with that chaos! He starts at ZAR Clothier at the beginning of next week. Big things happening at the Cluff residence. Thank you for your prayers. Our God is alive and has definitely been providing me with situations recently that are sending me running full speed ahead towards Him. Amen to that. Doesn't get any more real than this, y'all. 

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